Hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the hemp plant, although you probably already knew that. This miracle crop” has been a rich source of food, fiber, and vegetable oil for thousands of years. Packed with protein and nutritious fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6, hemp has been the best-kept secret in skin care, health, and beauty.
With so many benefits packed into each little seed, it’s no wonder hemp seed oil has become a trendy ingredient in the beauty industry in the last 10 years. Why did it take them so long? As a gentle yet resilient moisturizer, there are endless ways to use hemp oil for the skin, face, and body.
What’s the difference between hemp seed oil and CBD?
You’ve probably heard a lot about CBD oil. Both hemp oil and CBD are derived from strains of the hemp plant, but their composition and benefits are totally different.
Hemp seed oil is extracted from the small seeds of the plant, which contain only minimal levels of cannabinoids, but are richer in nutrients and those lovely fatty acids that nourish the overall condition of skin and hair. This makes hemp oil extremely popular in foods and skin care products.
CBD oil, on the other hand, is produced using leaves, flowers, and stems where its active compounds are at a higher level of concentration. Its potency makes it extremely beneficial when it comes to holistic remedies and alternative wellness solutions.
Skin Moisturizing
Hemp seed oil is considered deeply nourishing. This powerful ingredient applied in moisturizers is believed to provide effective relief for dry, abused skin in extreme hot or cold weather conditions.
Protection for Struggling Hands
Considered more than a quick fix, the hemp seed oil is believed to help restore the skin barrier and retain moisture. Naturally, that makes hemp a hero for hard-working hands exposed to the elements – our top-selling hand protector has been legendary for more than 20 years!
Environmentally friendly
Hemp in general is known to be a “miracle” crop: because it helps structure the soil and can be used to regenerate soil between food crops (without taking it out of food production); it is believed to be four times more effective at capturing CO2 than trees; it needs no pesticides or herbicides, providing habitat for wildlife – birds love the seeds. Kindly hop over here to get additional tips and ideas.

The Body Shop sustainably sources hemp seed oil from a cooperative of 300 farmers in France. These farmers have devised a way to use the hemp plant in its entirety, using oil from the seed, but the peat is used as high-protein animal feed, the plant fiber is used to make cloth and rope and the woody core is used to produce a strong fiber for door panels, equine bedding and sustainable material used in the construction industry. Everything is used and the carbon dioxide is kept under lock and key, meaning there is no waste.
The misunderstood miracle crop
“In 24 years in the cosmetic industry, I can think of few ingredients that stand out simply because of their performance and efficacy … but hemp is one of them.” – The Body Shop’s founder, Anita Roddick, was smart enough to know that the public was misinformed and hemp’s bad reputation was unfounded.
Our deep belief in the power of the plant led us in 1998 to launch our hemp line, attracting demonstrations from anti-drug activists, and outrage from politicians and the international press. Police confiscated products in certain stores, while in the United States, the word “hemp” was requested to be removed from all packaging. The line was temporarily banned in France, where government scientists claimed that the products contained small amounts of THC, which violated strict anti-drug laws. How times have changed!