There is no instant and quick fix to lose fat but I do however, have a success formula that will guarantee you the body that you deserve, every time. Being passionate about being fit, healthy and trim has led me to spend countless hours over the years studying, researching and training in this field, to find a formula that guarantees success every time.
1. Decide today exactly what you want. Don’t just say that you want to lose weight. Be specific what your aims are, so that you have something to strive for. Whatever you focus on you will move towards. Answer the following question; “What do I really want?” as you write your answer to this, get excited and be specific.
.2. Raise your standards – Achieving a quality lifestyle with vitality and energy is not just a desire it is a MUST. Decide today that you will have outstanding health, fitness and well being. Model yourself on other successful people who have lost weight and kept it off, such as friends, family, celebrities. Find out their beliefs that supported them and the actions they took to create their new fabulous figures.

3. Write down why you are absolutely committed to creating a light and healthy body over the weeks ahead and stick the note on the fridge door and in your wallet/purse. This will remind you when you are about to grab some food from the fridge or buy some food, why you want to be slim and healthy. By having your goals in front of you all the time, it will remind you why you are sticking to this healthy and lean way of living. This will stop you falling off the wagon.
4. Get a support group of people who can help you to stay on track. A personal trainer will definitely keep you on track or else a weight watchers group or a loved one who will help you to say NO to junk food and second helpings.
5. When people lose weight they have a must’ rule. With a must’ rule you always follow a set behaviour. People who don’t successfully lose weight have a should’ rule. With a ‘should’ rule, you believe that you ought to do something; but you either don’t do it or do it only occasionally. HAVE A MUST LOSE BODY-FAT RULE. Why must you lose the weight? Write down all the reasons why you must and what will happen if you don’t lose the weight and how it will affect your life overall.
6. Write down what you are eating and drinking every day, so you become consciously aware of what you are eating. This will help you to see where you are going wrong. Follow a sensible healthy eating regime. This means plenty of water, vegetables, salads and fruits (live water content foods.) Don’t mix carbohydrates and proteins together. Avoid processed foods and sugary foods and drinks. Read books on healthy eating such as Food combining made easy by Dr Herbert Shelton and Fit for life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond.
7. Exercise for health. Take lots of long walks, go for a bike ride, go jogging, skipping etc. If you have never exercised before, buy some health and fitness magazines for ideas or better still, consult a personal trainer and get an exercise regime plan devised for you, that you will enjoy and will help you to effectively lose body fat and tone up, to get a beautiful body shape.
8. People overeat because food gives them pleasure. But what sort of pleasure does it give you? Is it the nice feeling of warmth the food gives you inside your tummy or do you like the fact that it makes you relax? Work out what you get from the food, and then find something else to do, that gives you what you originally wanted from the food.
9. Change your strategy – if you are consistently dieting and still not losing weight, then it is time to change your strategy. Remember if you keep doing what you have always done, then you will keep getting the results that you have always gotten! This means that maybe you need to reassess your nutrition
10. Take on the belief that all slim people adopt, Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.